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ICC 2019 : "However, in the oral and written summary of the judgment, delivered this morning by the President of the Court, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, the Appeals Chamber appears to have held that under customary international law, heads of state have no immunity from criminal prosecution international criminal courts" - "“At all times material to this appeal, Sudan was not a State Party to the Statute of the International Criminal Court, popularly known as the ‘Rome Statute’. But, it was a Member State of the United Nations, and was bound as such by the UN Charter”." ICC 2019

With Millions Of Revenue Canada Rightful Refunds To Indigenous Workers At The Ladysmith Sawmill Looming In The Air (Workers' Incomes Were Taxed By Revenue Canada In Absence Of Jurisdiction / On-Reserve Indigenous Employees Since Plant Was Started Up Nearly 50 Years Ago) As Revenue Canada Acknowledges Crocker's Refund Rights Since 2017.

And, Chief Crocker's Spouse, Marjorie Daniels (An Indian Residential Schools Survivor) Continues To Seek Rightful Millions From Crown Canada And The Stz'uminus Band Council For Log Sort Leasehold Monies Paid By The Ladysmith Sawmill To Canada - But - Not Received By Marjorie Daniels (Crown Canada Indigenous Affairs Recognizes Her Legal Entitlements & That They Have Transferred These Millions To Stz'uminus Band - BUT - Marjorie Only Received One Initial Payment Years Ago. Thus, In 2014, Marjorie Filed The 2014-3041 RCMP File Complaint Against Stephen Harper For Breach Of CCC S.122 For Failing To Provide Evident Held By Him That Will Attest To The Log Sort Monies Journey Into The Netherlands Of Stz'uminus Band.

Both Chief Crocker And Marjorie Daniels Are Residents Of Stz'uminus (Chemainus) First Nation (Not Treatied).

Chief Crocker Filed His 2014-3042 Complaint With RCMP Constable Chanin At The Stz'uminus Band Offices; Where He Maintained A Post. This Complaint Alleged Band Irregularities In Applying For Federal Funds Using Him As An Applicant Without Good Or Just Cause - This Outstanding Matter Also Fell Upon Prime Minster Harper's Shoulders Regarding Failing To Provide Evidentiary Files To Chief Crocker And RCMP That Verifies The Crocker Complaint ... Administrative Errors Were Considered Before Filing The RCMP Complaint. Constable Chanin Informed Chief Crocker That He Required The Crown Canada Files Before Proceeding.

The Daniels - Crocker Home Needs These Outstanding Settlements In Order To Complete Their House Mortgage Financing. With These Two Settlements, They Would Not Require A Mortgage. These Are Honourable Citizens Who Require Elected Officials To Stand Forward And Exercise Their Political Will To Bring The Attorney General Of Canada And British Columbia To The Reconciliation Table - NOW.

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ICC 2019 : "However, in the oral and written summary of the judgment, delivered this morning by the President of the Court, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, the Appeals Chamber appears to have held that under customary international law, heads of state have no immunity from criminal prosecution international criminal courts" - "“At all times material to this appeal, Sudan was not a State Party to the Statute of the International Criminal Court, popularly known as the ‘Rome Statute’. But, it was a Member State of the United Nations, and was bound as such by the UN Charter”." ICC 2019

Respectfully Published By : SQYX GOODWIN : Kwa'mutsun Nation Citizen

Authorized By The HRH Dr Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem, LLB Estate Board Of Directors At Kwa'mutsun In Quw'utsun


The Following Is Published To Assist The General Public In Understanding How One CSSP Family On The West Coast Was Disenfranchised Of Their $350-Million Land Trust; As The Band Council Transferred Their Hereditary Lands Into The Hands Of A Property Developer From California With Very Deep Pockets Of Hedge Fund Capital.

This CSSP Family Loss (Perhaps, Piracy) Is Not Unique Across Canada, As The Feds Conspire With Provinces To Fracture CSSP Relationships Through The Reserve Land Titles Offices. Reserve Lands Are Documented To Be Circa 8-Million Acres (About 3.2 Million Hectares).

Peat Valuation Is Used Here - Canada Published A 1925 Report That Created A British Thermal Unit (BTU) Value In Peat Equivalent To A Barrel Of Oil : Peat Produces Green Electric Power @ 1/2 Cost Of Oil - And - Peat Is Located On A Vast % Of CSSP Lands Across The 640 First Nations Territories.

Therefore, Viewing Land Values @ $1-Million Per Acre; There Is A FMV (Fair Market Value) Of Each CSSP Land Acreage (150 x $1-Million) = $150-Million. Hence, You Can Easily Appreciate Why Crown Canada Is Speedily Pirating Away CP Titles From CSSP. The Current $200-Billion Federal Treasury Trust Established To Settle CSSP Land Claims Is A Paltry % Of The 8-Million x $1-Million Entitlement IF CSSP Launch A CLASS CLAIM At International Tribunals - Which Canada Has Recognized That They Are Entitled To So Do Since 2009 (Noting That CSSP Were First Entitled In Law To Retain Legal Counsel In 1960).

Across Canada, Today, And Since Confederation In 1867, There Is The United Kingdom Campaign To Disenfranchise Indigenous Peoples Of Their Entrenched Land And Resources Titles Through Corrupt Practices Originating At The Indian Act . Individuals - Consecutively Settled Sovereign Peoples (A UN International Law Term) Known As CSSP - Who Have Inherited (As Recognized In European Courts Since 1788) Land And Resource Lands (Traditionally Recognized By The United Kingdom Since 1830 Through Its New Zealand - Maori Peoples Land Wars) 150 Acres Per Individual Living On A Reserve - Since 1921, 160 Acres For CSSP Living Off Reserve Lands. The Indian Act Is Being Employed To Split Indigenous Peoples; Disentitling Registered CP Holders (Certificates Of Possession) / Formerly, Known As Locatees.

Band Councils Elected Through The Indian Act, Develop BCRs (Band Council Resolutions) -To Be Certified By The Minister Of Indigenous And Northern Affairs (INAC) - Or, Whatever Name Is Manufactured To Diversify And Archive Research Attempts On The Registrar Of Indigenous Lands Throughout Inuit, Metis; And, First Nations Reserve Territories.

In Canada There Is A Highly Developed THUGGERY ( An East Indian Term) Protocol For Disenfranchising A CSSP Title Holder - Never Coerce The Individual; Target A Family Member With Oppression; And, Instruct Them To Tell The Primary Individual That "We Were Here" - It Has Worked For Decades.

Hence, This BC Family Is Out Of Pocket $350-Million Today - BUT - The Saving Grace Is That They Could Run For Band Council (Monitored By A Federal Agent) - And - Perhaps, These CSSP Will Find A Quiet Corner Within The System To Enjoy Some Benefits Under The Indian Act.- YAH THINK ???

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ICC 2019 : "However, in the oral and written summary of the judgment, delivered this morning by the President of the Court, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, the Appeals Chamber appears to have held that under customary international law, heads of state have no immunity from criminal prosecution international criminal courts" - "“At all times material to this appeal, Sudan was not a State Party to the Statute of the International Criminal Court, popularly known as the ‘Rome Statute’. But, it was a Member State of the United Nations, and was bound as such by the UN Charter”." ICC 2019


HRH Dr Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem, LLB Is A Highly Respected Indigenous Political And Spiritual Leader Throughout The West Coast Of Turtle Island North Territories As A Salish Founding Family; Settled Consecutively Within The Kwa'mutsun Nation Lands Since Before 4500 B.C.E..

Dr Hwuneem Has Informed The United Nations In A Respectful Notice Of Standing In 2011 That Kwa'mutsun Remains A Nation State Of Consecutively Settled Sovereign Indigenous Peoples - Not In Treaty With Crown Canada - As Concurred By Canada Monarch Elizabeth II. Canada Constitutional Law Originates Through The Turtle Island North Political Covenant Of Two Row Wampum - Peace Trust Friendship - Gus Wen Tah.

GRC : Goodwin, Ralph Charles (SQYX - Traditional Name : Eagle Lawspeaker) Is Adopted By Dr Hwuneem Through Ancestral Cultural Practices Of Salish Peoples - And Generally Embraced By The 1100 Indigenous Nations Of Turtle Island North.

Eagle In Salish Lore Is Yuxwuletun - Eagle Rising In The Sky To Watch Over. This Traditional Name Was Placed Upon Ralph Goodwin In A Traditional Ceremony At The Quw'utsun Heritage Village By The Elder Ron Alphonse (Hulqwimut), Surviving Brother Of Chiefs Harvey And Dennis Alphonse; Linked With The Hwuneem Family Through A League Of Chiefs.

This Accredited Cultural Naming Was Witnessed By Kwa'mutsun-In-Quw'utsun Elders; Leading Lawyer Peter Lockhart Gordon And International Business Persons Borge Larson And Klaus Hoffman.

Preceding This Naming In Y-2000 Was Goodwin's Commercial Joint Ventured Signing At This Cultural Centre With The Pawnee Nation Of Oklahoma Bank CEO Revisto & VP Birmingham; That Linked Kwa'mutsun's STT-PHT (At Scotiabank) Humanitarian Foundation Into The Royal Bank Of Scotland.

Both The Traditional Naming And Cultural Adoption With Drummers And Dancers Are Video Recorded.

This Customs And Traditions Adoption Is Acknowledged In Law By Elizabeth II Through Her 1953 Coronation Oath - A Binding Statement Of Law.

Evidence Of Similar Adoption By Cultural Practice Was Witnessed In Victoria, BC, Canada During The Public Hearings Convention Of The Canada Truth And Reconciliation Commission; Where Chief Commissioner, Judge (Later Senator) Murray Sinclair Called Forward Before A Gathering Of Hundreds In A Public Forum CBC Broadcaster Shelagh Rogers; Adopting Her By Custom & Tradition.

HRH Dr Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem Is Accorded Her Two Honourary Phd By The University Of Victoria (UVIC) And Simon Fraser University (SFU) - Recognized For Her Fifty Year Labour With Her Sister Delores In Cataloguing The Hul'qwumi'num' Language - A 350 Page Tour De Force.

SQYX Goodwin Attended SFU As An Economics And Canada Law Studies Member. Professor Emeritus, Marvin Stark, QC Was An SFU Law Professor; Who Lectured Goodwin (1977-79); And, Later Served As Goodwin's Business General Legal Counsel Until His Passing In 2008.

Additionally, Goodwin Is retired From Chevron (1965 - 2009); And, Is Accorded International Oil Trader Status By The United Nations Security Council In Y-2000.

HRH Dr Hwuneem & Family Have Worked With SQYX Goodwin & Lawyer Stark And Associates On Matters Of Trade Versus Treaty Since Y-1995; Developing Numerous Submissions To The United Nations And Courts Of Varied Jurisdictions - Significantly Striding Toward The Evident Demise Of Crown Canada Credibility In Claiming Political Paramountcy Across Turtle Island North Lands - Including, North And South Of The 49th //.

This Adoption By HRH Dr Hwuneem Strikes A Notable Custom And Political Area In Traditional Law For Kwa'mutsun Nation Peoples. Dr Hwuneem Is Noted For Her Continued Practice Of Preserving Customs And Traditions - A Matter That Prevailed When BC Royal Museum Published Her Life Writings In Y-2021.

Her Family Is Noted In Quw'utsun Traditional Archives As The Second Family Brought Down To Salishan Earth By The Creator.

And, In Consequence, It Remains Remarkable That Goodwin (Not Indigenous To Salish Territories; But, Ancestral Lineage To Sampi Peoples Of Northern Europe; Through His Saxon Godvine Heritage) Is Welcomed Into Her Family. Canada's Standing RCMP Officers (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Attended And Conducted These Ceremonies On Kwa'mutsun Sovereign Lands. The Commissioner Of Oaths Was Eric Hubert Pelkey Of The Saanich Nations Teritories. Additional Hereditary Chiefs Attended; As Did Goodwin's Family Members.

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