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In Truth We Trust Since Time Began

Our Civilizations On Earth Have A Good History Of Searching Out Balances Between Supply Sufficiency And Mother Nature's Capacity To Provide In A Continuum - Populations Become Hoarders By Experience; And, In Consequence Lose The Vision Of Good Stewardship. No Parent Wishes To Witness Their Child Or Elder Parent To Suffer By Malnutrition. Thus, Nations And Communities Struggle With Environmental Crisis To Simply Survive.

Biosphere Reserves Serve To Provide A Continuum Of Supply - Engaging With High Tech Innovations To Nurture Forth New Policies And Practices Of Developing Improved Crop Harvesting; Finding Affordable Infrastructure Advances; And, Securing Standards Of Living That Are Both Reasonable And Forward Thinking.

ETC 2 3 4 5 as related to the void Hudson's Bay Company Charter Fitzgerald Examinations / Examine : 1613 : Plantagon : Yuquot : BC : Utrecht

The Biosphere Reserve Tri-Plex Platform - Dialogue With Mother Nature


Kwa'mutsun Nation Survives Today As A Narrow Patch Of Territory; Nestled Within A Vibrant Valley On The West Coast Of Turtle Island North Canada. It Remains As A Sovereign Territory - Visibly Active As A Community-Based Corporate Regime, Developing Bio-Electric Energy Tri-Plex Facilities Throughout The 3300 Indigenous Nation Territories Over The 10-Million Sq Kms Of Lands And Resources North Of The 49th Parallel To The North Pole. Each Project Site Is Structured As A PPP (Private-Public-Government) Enterprise. With Net Revenues Dedicated Into Host Community Infrastructure Projects.


LOE CORP INTL  Stands As The Voice For Change Within The Prism Of Caution And Forward Thinking - Developing The Political Philosophies Of The Just Society : That Place Of Free Prior Informed Consent; Where Expression - Tolerance - And - Respect Operate As A Friendly Tapestry For Peaceful Consult Within The Modicum Of Trust.

Life On Earth (LOE) Honours Intellect And Discovery As Being The Fundamental Guardian Of The Carrier Of Fire; Where, Survival Is The Keystone Of Exploration - And - Balance Finds A Safe Harbour Throughout The Chaos That Reigns Within Our Universe.


ICG - Indigen Commerce Group - LTD Is A Canada Corporation; Operating Domestically And Internationally Since 1960; Having Evolved Through Transitions Into One Tri-Plex  Enterprise That Develops Global Biosphere Reserve Networks As Projects To Harvest The Accumulated Natural Assets Of Earth Within The Concept Of Sustainability. Bio-Electric Generation Serves As The Principal Energy Factor - Securing Macro Resources Assignable To Debt Assets For The Closed-Loop Matrix Of Hydroponic Green Houses And Aquaculture Facilities (Including, Field Crops); With All Net Revenues Assigned To The Bio-Cell R&D Centre. The Host Community Participates. And, Within The Standard Ten Years, The Host  Acquires 100% Ownership Of The Project - With A Trust Obligation To Invest All Net Revenues Into Infrastructure Developments. Each Project Is Gold Standard Environmental Certified.

Marine Biologist
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